$1,997.00 USD

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Deal Finders Club Premium Cohort 1 Payment

Membership Includes

2 Mentors Marcus & Mike – Combined 20 year’s experience with well over 1,000 deals done

Weekly Mentorship and Education - $10,000 value

Accountability - Priceless

Shadow opportunities at the DFC office with Marcus and Mike - Priceless

Wholesale Equity Learning Lab (W.E.L.L.) Online Course: 8 Modules with nearly 30 lessons- $5,000 value

Step By Step Video on Pulling Motivated Seller Leads Priceless

Step By Step Video on How to find any seller in any market Priceless

Step By Step explanation on how to calculate ARV - Priceless

Purchase Contract and review of Contract - $1,500 value

Assignment Agreement and review of Agreement - $1,500 value

Marketing Scripts & Templates  included - $1,000 value

Custom Direct Mail Letters & Envelopes that HIGHLY Convert - Priceless

1,000 Skip traced leads - $500

Real time deal analysis and review  - Priceless


Access our extensive database of qualified cash buyer 

Access our team, vendors and associates that support our real estate business

Guest Speakers

Private Facebook Community 

Training’s cover: Marketing, sales, negotiations, comping, writing offers, locking up contracts, home owner appointments, and more..

Here’s your chance to get ahead of the pack